Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Interview With The Girls' Basketball Team

By Maggie Li

Interview With The Players:

Warhawk Talk: “How often do you have practice and games?”

Keara Schaefer: “We practice every weekday when we don’t have games. We usually have games Tuesday and Thursday (if two) or, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (if three).”

Kyra Martyn: “Everyday after school.”

Mackenzie Moore: “Before we had our first game we would have practice every day. Even when we didn’t have school. When the season started we would have one-three games a week. Then when we didn’t have a game we would practice.”

Warhawk Talk: “Do you miss class sometimes?”

Keara Schaefer: “Every game we usually miss most of 7th hour and all of 8th hour unless it’s a home game (or a game in town).”

Kyra Martyn: “Yes, because of basketball games.”

Mackenzie Moore: “Yeah. I miss half of 8th period when we have a home game or an in-town game. But when the game is an hour away we would miss half of 7th hour and all of 8th.”

Warhawk Talk: “What are the pros and cons about being on the basketball team?”

Keara Schaefer: “A pro is we get leave early, but the con, we have to make up all the work. Another one is “bus time” or the time we have on bus can be a pro, to make up time or a con, what to do in that time.”

Kyra Martyn: “Pros-I can learn to work better with my team mates.
-We bond so much during practice and games.
Cons-I have to miss class sometimes. But luckily it’s usually gym class.
-I don’t really have free time and I sometimes get behind on my homework.”

Mackenzie Moore: “The cons of being on the basketball team are practice (which isn’t that bad), other than that, there isn’t any cons. The pros are being surrounded by teammates which now feel like family. Being cheered on at the Home Games. Also I’m playing the game I love.”

Interview with the Coach:

Warhawk Talk: “What were the tryouts like?”

Coach Rosen: “We had 27 girls at tryouts and we kept 20, one girl decided not to play so we have 19 total for A and B team.”

Warhawk Talk: “Why do you have an A and B team?”

Coach Rosen: “There are A and B teams to have more kids a chance to participate in the sport, in the past, when there was only one team, 12 girls made up the one team.”

Warhawk Talk: “Are you allowed to go back and forth between A and B team?”

Coach Rosen: “Occasionally, a player can move from one team to the other based on performance in practice and in games, these decisions are based on what the coaches think about player performance in games and practice. The players do not get to pick the teams that they play for, that is a decision that is left up to the coaches.”

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